Happy Teachers

"Joseph is a master teacher and will adjust the moves and dances to the needs and experience of the group. Everyone will feel successful."
--Jenny Bowman, music educator at 
   Scottish Corners Elementary School, Dublin, Ohio

"I just want to thank you again for the wonderful dancing at the picnic.  I've run into a number of parents who have said, 'Hey, wasn't that dancing really great?  We should do it again!'  And we will!"
--Sandy Mathias, 
   director of Columbus Children's Choir,
    professor of music education, Capital University, Bexley, Ohio

Thank you notes from students at Scottish Corners Elementary School, Dublin, Ohio

"Thank you for coming to our school and teaching us how to dance.  My favorite dance was in the beginning when everyone was holding hands and was circling around the circle and getting new partners.  I had a really fun time and learned a lot too!"
--Kyle, 5th grade student, March 2001

"Thank you so much for teaching us that dance!  It was awesome!  I liked when we acted like cats and we were scratching.  I also really liked when you lead us and we made that cool circle.  Your rythm was perfect!  We had a really great time."
--Emily, 3rd grade student, March 2001

"I enjoyed spending a day dancing with you.  I like the dance when we held hands and went in a circle.  It was really cool.  Thank you for coming to our school.  We would of enjoyed it if you stayed another day."
--Austin, 5th grade student, March 2001

"Thank you very much for coming and showing us square-dancing!  I enjoyed it a lot!  My favorite dance we did was when you were leading us and you went into a spriral, then back out.  I also liked the one where we were in a square and we do-si-do'd our partner....  That was sooo fun!!"
--Jasmine, 5th grade student, March 2001

"Thank you for coming to our school.  I have had a great time learning new dances with you.  I can't wait to show my parents what I learned at family dance night."
--Andy, 4th grade student, April 2002

"Thank you very much for coming to our school and teaching us such neat dances.  It is really cool how you teach others how to dance.  You make things that seem boring very fun and easy.  Thank you again!"
--Laura, 3th grade student, April 2002

"Thank you for coming!  I really enjoyed myself.  Now I like square dancing.  I did this back at my old school and didn't [like it] that much, but now I do!"
--Ryan, 4th grade student, April 2002

"Thank you so much for coming to our school.  I thought that day was going to be boring, but you helped me have a better day by doing all the fun dances.  [They] were so much fun I never wanted to stop.  I hope you can come to our school again."
--Chelsea, 5th grade student, April 2002

"Thank you for teaching dancing.  I love dancing because I take ballet.  You are one of my favorite dancers.  Did we do really good?  PS.  My brother loves dancing with music."
--Ellen, 2nd grade student, April 2002

"I really enjoyed the very, very interesting dancing!  I think it helps people who are sad or disappointed in some ways."
--Atsushi, 3rd grade student, April 2002

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