For more than two centuries, Americans have been enjoying squares, contras, and circle dances.  While these dances may not have enjoyed the wild popularity of many fads which have swept the country, they have endured across generations and outlived countless fads.  

Traditional dancing is interdisciplinary, connecting many different lessons across many different curricula -- music, physical education, history, and culture.  Just as importantly, it addresses social skills and community awareness as students learn the etiquette of dancing with different partners.  At its best, a dance session feels like play, with lessons contextualized within specific dance activities instead of lectures or presentations.  

Kids like the movement and the music, but they are also learning important lessons about community, social interaction, history, and culture.  

"Joseph is a master teacher and will adjust the moves and dances to the needs and experience of the group. Everyone will feel successful."
--Jenny Bowman, music educator at 
   Scottish Corners Elementary School, Dublin, Ohio
   quoted in the "DublinVillager," March 21, 2001

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yusuf at umich dot edu